Thursday, February 21, 2008

Casle Hill

Yesterday I went with a group of kids to the Castle Hill Basin to boulder. My friends Lindsey and Sara have a car and they took me and my other friends Mark and Dan to this area an hour and a half from Christchurch. The boulders are some of the coolest things I've ever seen.



Dan took this photo of me working a problem called Fatwa. I didn't send it, but I will next time.


Last night I went with another group of people to a beach about an hour north of the city and camped out under the stars and the full moon. It was too cloudy in the morning to see the sunrise though.

I'm just hanging out today, but I'm going to see a cricket match tomorrow. I start class Monday, and all this week there are concerts every night for orientation week.

Also, the next time I write in this, I'll have the bike that I'm bidding on.



Dad said...

nice climbing pose! looks like you have found bouldering nirvana - and lots of new friends. The beach camping must have been cool - we had a full lunar eclipse on wednesday night with perfectly clear sky but we were not on a beach!
how about posting some pics of your new friends, apartment and campus...the school is real isn't it?! we miss you.

Dad said...
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Anonymous said...

we do not miss you! dad is lying. we've rented your room out to james. er, just kidding. of course we miss you.

Anonymous said...

hey nick,

so how was the first day of school? remind me of the classes you are taking. lots of people asking about 'cha. mrs. juiris says hello. talked to mrs. rivard and james now has st. patrick's day green hair. kind of reminds me of when david green dyed his smurf blue. please try to stay with your natural color. the only person in this family who should be dyeing their hair is me...especially since it's gray. keep sending photos and info. are you eating well? love, mom